SKYTENT ECOCAMP - Tentsile Experience Camp is an experiential and ecological nature tourism accommodation, ergo a low-threshold and high quality camping, in Archipelago Sea, Finland. Skytent Ecocamp is an entity, that includes everything a customer needs for memorable nature experience and million star accommodation.
Skytent Ecocamps will be available in four campsites in the Kimito Islands, Archipelago Sea. Ecocamps are located in beautiful, peaceful and pristine Finnish nature. All Ecocamps are excellent destinations, with interesting nature and culture attractions, and with good and comprehensive services.
Sebbholmen Tentsile Somateria
Unique accommodation in Tentsile tents on the beautiful island of Rosala. Spend an unforgettable night in the woods!From€110.00
Sebbholmen Tentsile Strix
Unique accommodation in Tentsile tents on the beautiful island of Rosala. Spend an unforgettable night in the woods!From€110.00
Guidings and Activities
The most spectacular natural and cultural sites in the Archipelago Sea and the Kimito Islands. All year round!
Guided wildlife excursions in Örö fortress island
Experience the most interesting and biodiverse destination of Finnish nature combined with amazing cultural historyFrom€250.00
Nature guidings & activities
The most spectacular natural and cultural sites in the Archipelago Sea and the Kimito Islands. All year round!From€175.00
Ympäristökasvatus ja -neuvonta
NaturEffect tekee laadukasta ympäristökasvatusta ja -neuvontaa. Uskomme, että ympäristökasvatus on tehokkain keino paikallisten sekä globaalien ympäristöongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. Tämän vuoksi ympäristökasvattajillamme on yli kymmenen vuoden ajalta kokemusta alalta ja työtehtävien kirjo on vuosien saatossa ollut erittäin monipuolinen.